Page 2 - Catalogo_CrossPro_2017_On-Road_Neat
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2017 OFF-ROAD CrossPro was founded in 2005, a company dedicated to the production of protections and accessories to vehicles of 2 and 4 wheels. The passion and knowledge of our founders about the modality and mechanics, allow a fast and sustainable Promptly, CrossPro reach in Europe, an respectable reputation for the production and development of our products, the ofered solutions allow to reach new markets and currently assure a worldwide presence in very diferent markets, but at the same time also very demanding as the European market. Our products are made in our factory in Portugal, submitted to a strict quality control to assure the best quality in our ofered products. Betting on a process of continuous improvement of our products and processes, give to our ofered products a diferent diferentiation in the market. All CrossPro products are tested in competition by experts, which allow us to obtain the best fnal product, suitable to the demands of the fnal client, either if he his professional or amateur, assuring a maximum performance. We bet in the increasing of our range, being watchful to the new trends of the motorcycle sports, searching to anticipate the needs of our actual and potential clients, developing new solution for them. Rua da Pedrinha 694 | Raso da Pedrinha - ZI de Travassô | 3750-755 - Travassô | Águeda | Portugal Gps: N 40º35’37.82” W 8º29’21.33” Phone: +351 234 629 044 | Fax: +351 234 608 717 | E-mail:
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